2. “Meet Lucky Jewel, the cult New York art collective taking on fashion”

“It’s three days before their debut runway show and the Lucky Jewel girls can’t stop giggling. Even as I beam into their Ridgewood studio, the giddiness is palpable. Designers Olive Woodward and Shay Gallagher are digging into racks of clothing, with Lola Dement Myers egging them on from an adjacent Zoom window. “Wait, show her the video of the masking tape pants,” one of them says. “Or the shoes that are covered in cement,” says another, voice indistinguishable amidst the chorus of increasingly absurd suggestions, which include foam miniskirts and cardboard briefcases. A moment later, when the mirth has subsided, Shay says, with a dawning realisation, “Lucky Jewel is… funny”. All three dissolve into laughter, once again. This is what Lucky Jewel has always been about: friendship, fun, and, yes, fashion.”
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